Airsoft Bbs Evike Bulk 20,000

Airsoft Bbs Evike Bulk 20,000

Writer   Comment Drayken Junior Member
Posts: 17
Respond with quote  #1
I'thou looking for inexpensive bbs, desire .25. But I don't want to exist scratching my new prommy butt that I'll be installing. Tin anyone recommend cheaper ones, but ones that are still decent quality? I'm brand new to airsoft, so I don't need the top tier bbs, to get that extra 1inch tighter group, lol. (hopefully anytime I will), correct now, I'm looking for cheaper, merely not lose too much quality, especially anything that could harm the gun. Thx. I retrieve I saw krytac'due south bbs were adequately inexpensive.


Guges Mk3 Avatar / Picture Regular Member
Posts: 286
Reply with quote  #2
BB's will never scratch a barrel.  Its polymer "floating" through Stainless in your case, contumely for others, coated aluminum for some and a pocket-size pct with raw aluminum.

What is expensive for you?  15.00 a bag for 1KG or 4000 .25g is not expensive for me.


Drayken Junior Member
Posts: 17
Reply with quote  #iii


Originally Posted by Guges Mk3
BB's will never scratch a barrel.  Its polymer "floating" through Stainless in your case, brass for others, coated aluminum for some and a small percentage with raw aluminum.

What is expensive for you?  fifteen.00 a handbag for 1KG or 4000 .25g is not expensive for me.

Information technology's all expensive, since it's for me and two kids, lol. But I'd honey to become .25@5k for $10-15, similar I saw the krytac's. I sympathize I might lose accuracy. I only want to make sure I'grand non pain anything inside the gun. Smith & Wesson .25 were for under $x for 5k!

One time I get the rest of my gear, so I'll exist able to spend a lil more on the bbs. Nevertheless got a few things to become.


Guges Mk3 Avatar / Picture Regular Member
Posts: 286
Reply with quote  #4
Buy in bulk and save.

BTW...S&W makes no bulletin board system what so ever.  It'south been rebranded to a French Company called Cybergun who had the Due south&West license until just recently.  It was pulled considering CYB drove their brand into the dirt as known "airsoft" junk.

BB'south are fabricated by Kai Chang in Taiwan, ane of the large 3 makers of bbs.

They don't come up often in 5000 for .25g.  They are 1KG numberless, and then virtually often you will go is 4000.

Have you lot considered .20 for your backyard needs?


Drayken Inferior Member
Posts: 17
Reply with quote  #5


Originally Posted past Guges Mk3
Buy in bulk and salvage.

BTW...S&Westward makes no bbs what then e'er.  It's been rebranded to a French Company called Cybergun who had the S&Westward license until just recently.  It was pulled because CYB collection their make into the dirt as known "airsoft" junk.

BB'south are fabricated by Kai Chang in Taiwan, one of the large three makers of bbs.

They don't come often in 5000 for .25g.  They are 1KG numberless, then most oft y'all will go is 4000.

Have you considered .20 for your backyard needs?

U are right, the Southward&W is 4k pocketbook, not 5k. But information technology's $6. Yes, $six, for 4K @ .25 weight. Are they actually that, "junk", or are they only getting clearanced out everywhere, if they lost the license?

Information technology's not for backyard. Nosotros have an indoor place we are going to, and in spring, an outdoor. (Don't think it has to exist biodegradable, simply won't know for sure till jump) Wanted to practice .25 for indoor, and peradventure .28 or .iii for outdoor.

Also the S&W, they accept

Matrix Match Grade 6mm Airsoft BB Jar (Weight: .25g / 10,000 Rounds) for $22

Krytac 0.25g Polished 6mm Airsoft BBs - 4000 / White for $11 Match Grade 20K Round 6mm Airsoft BBs (Weight: 0.25g) for $35

Elite Forcefulness Premium Bbs - 0.25g White (QTY: 1 Canteen / five,000 Rounds) for $13


Guges Mk3 Avatar / Picture Regular Member
Posts: 286
Reply with quote  #6
S&W toll is at the wholesale cost...and are not bad bbs.  Simply not the best.  CYB did non want to put the best in those bags.

The Evike BBs are definitely NOT top shelf.  Items in airsoft are not congenital to a Standard, so one brands match class is the ultimate bb and anothers lucifer grade could be polished pieces of compressed rabbit poop.

Allow's just say what he is charging for the bbs and what I know they may toll from Taiwan.  He is making ~400% marker-upwardly on unknown grade rebranded bbs.  IMHO They are inexpensive, maybe "mediocre" bbs at best sold at a loftier price.

Krytac...we tin allow Allizard chinkle in for that.

EF is made by BLS.  I promise they learned their lesson back 2 years ago when they tried to substitute really bad China bbs equally their "premium" made Taiwan bb.  Information technology damaged their rep pretty adept.

Only, sadly, Evike and EF are big players and the good stuff doesn't accept the distribution channels that they do...both house brands are decent, but in my book not a "great" bb.


Drayken Junior Member
Posts: 17
Reply with quote  #7
Any brands that you recommend that is shut to toll, or maybe a trivial more? Thx.

Also, Guges Mk3, Huge thank you for all ur help and advice on all my posts.


Guges Mk3 Avatar / Picture Regular Member
Posts: 286
Answer with quote  #8
Try the Krytac's

KSC is good

Amp Tactical is adept (I was consulted for that one), only they are on the style out.  Not produced any more...

G&Thousand is practiced


Airsoft Bbs Evike Bulk 20,000

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